Vuono & Gray, LLC - Logo

Serving the legal needs of individuals and businesses since 1951

310 Grant Street
Suite 2310
Pittsburgh , PA 15219
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(412) 471-1800
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Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

Prompt | Professional | Personal

Legal Services and Solutions

Safeguard Your Business

From family businesses to Fortune 500s, our clients rely on our experience in forming, managing, protecting and maximizing their Business Organizations, and leading the way when it’s time to buy or sell or transfer your business to the next generation through Mergers, Acquisitions & Business Reorganizations.

Preserve Your Legacy

Regardless of your age or assets, your estate should not be left to chance. Our firm offers comprehensive planning, from basic to complex wills and trusts to tax and succession planning.  We also guide personal representatives through the estate administration process and all phases of Orphans' Court litigation.

Protect Your Real Estate Interests

Protecting your interests in commercial and residential Real Estate is one of the cornerstones of our practice. We will help guide you through the purchase, sale or lease of your property as well as defend your interests in property assessment appeals.

Here's what our satisfied clients are saying...

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